Attention to Detail = Faithful Over a Few Things

Attention to Detail = Faithful Over a Few Things

Matthew 25:23

"His master replied, "Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things, I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!"

In this portion of scripture we are gaining a bird's eye view into the benefits that come as a result of tending to that for which GOD has held us responsible. When we are thoughtful about the things GOD has placed on our "proverbial" plates, we are more likely to be in divine alignment and to be moving in a manner that empowers us further into our divine destiny. Never 2 Fly 2 Pray is a brand that is all about managing the small details. Each and every one of our designs are custom dyed or tailor made in some fashion. The Founder and CEO of the brand, Jeffrey Lee, launched the line in August of 2016 and the brand has taken off ever since. Jeffrey Lee, pictured, personally has a hand in every facet of the brand: from creating hand-painted packaging that will be mailed out to customers with their orders, to personally responding to all internal business matters. He is an example of what the scripture is admonishing of us all. We are to not only be faithful over the tasks we have been assigned, but we are to treat each task as if it is of equal importance, if that task has been assigned to us by GOD. Jeffrey Lee answered the call of spreading the beautifully relevant message, Never 2 Fly 2 Pray, through apparel and accessories. He accepted this mission with everything in him and it has lead to the expansion of the Never 2 Fly 2 Pray brand. Since its inception, the brand has gained celebrity notoriety and an international presence. This is exactly what the scripture is referring to when it states, "I will put you in charge of many things..."

How do we gain the more that we desire for our lives? It becomes imperative to handle the matters at hand - the tasks for which we have been divinely assigned. As a Christian clothing company, we not only seek to uphold the integrity of our faith, but also to offer our customers the most optimal experience possible on all fronts. We understand the importance of providing this type of experience for our clientele, in that it demonstrates our appreciation for our customer's investment. Not only so, we know this is a GOD mission and we take that seriously. The reward of doing so is the blessings and beauty that only God can bestow upon this brand.

We encourage you today to take inventory of all that GOD has given you. Ask yourself are you managing it with the diligence and effort that it deserves? If not, this is your opportunity to begin again.

PRAYER: GOD we ask that you to touch those that read this post. We ask that you empower them in their journey of becoming more of what you would have them to be. Allow them to see the areas for which they can improve and also the areas for which you are pleased. Thank you for all of these things, in Jesus name we pray, Amen.


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